Senior Bible Online Courses Overview
Bible 700
Bible 700 provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. It focuses on worship, mankind, the attributes of God, prophecies about Christ, the living of balanced lives, and the book of Psalms. Special emphasis is given to the life of Christ from His pre-existence and birth to His resurrection and ascension. These areas target five content strands: theology, the attributes of God, biblical literature, Christian growth, and the life of Christ (a special topic).
Bible 800
Bible 800 provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. It focuses on prayer, salvation, the attributes of God, the book of Proverbs, and interpersonal relationships. Special emphasis is given to a survey of Church history from the early Church through the Reformation. These areas target five content strands: theology, the attributes of God, biblical literature, Christian growth, and Church history (a special topic).
New Testament Survey
New Testament Survey provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the New Testament from the Intertestamental period (prior to the birth of Christ) to the book of Revelation. The survey emphasizes the most important people, places, and events in the development and expansion of the Church. The course also includes material on Christian suffering, witnessing, and the will of God. New Testament Survey targets four major strands: theology, biblical literature, biblical background, and Christian growth.
Old Testament Survey
Old Testament Survey provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old Testament, from the creation of the world (Genesis) to the restoration of Israel and the ministry of its post-exilic prophets (Malachi). The survey emphasizes the most important people, places, and events in the development and decline of the nation of Israel. These areas target three content strands: theology, biblical literature, and biblical background.
Bible Doctorine
Bible Doctrine provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments, focusing on important topics including the faithfulness of God; the doctrine of Christ; the nation of Israel; the history and integrity of the Bible; the pursuit of happiness; and friendship, dating, and marriage. There is also a special emphasis on the book of Romans. These areas target four content strands: theology, the attributes of God, Christian growth, and Christian evidences.
Christian Faith and Living
Christian Faith and Living applies what students have learned in their study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. The course focuses on personal Christian ministry, the nature of God, comparative religions, and the writings of James, John, David, Solomon, and Daniel. These areas target three content strands: the attributes of God, biblical literature, and Christian growth.