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Primary 3-6 Course Overviews

Bible 300
Bible Primary

Bible 300 Course Overview Bible 300 begins a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. It focuses on Christian living, the lives of Jesus and Joseph, Bible study methods, Bible archaeology, friendship, and Christian service. These areas target five content strands: biblical literature, biblical background, Christian growth, Christian evidences, and friendship (a special topic).

Bible 400

Bible 400 provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. It focuses on the lives of Peter and Paul (also known as Saul), the existence and knowledge of God, Bible study methods, Psalm 23, Old Testament geography, and Christian witnessing. These areas target five content strands: theology, the attributes of God, biblical literature, biblical background, and Christian evidences. 

Bible 500

Bible 500 provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. It focuses on the biographies of faithful people, angels, the presence of God, Bible study methods, the Christian's relationships, and Paul's missionary journeys. These areas target five content strands: theology, the attributes of God, biblical literature, biblical background, and Christian evidences.

Bible 600

Bible 600 provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. It focuses on a brief survey of the Old and New Testaments, with special emphasis upon the key people, places, and events from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation. These areas target three content strands: theology, biblical literature, and biblical background.

Mathematics 300
Math primary

Math 300 is a full-year elementary math course focusing on number skills and numerical literacy. In it, students will gain solid experience with number theory and operations, learning how to apply these in measurement situations. This course also integrates geometric concepts and skills throughout the units, as well as introducing students to statistical concepts.

Mathematics 400

Math 400 is a full-year elementary math course focusing on number skills and numerical literacy. In it, students will gain solid experience with number theory and operations, including decimals and fractions. This course also integrates geometric concepts and skills throughout the units, teaches measurement skills, and introduces students to statistical concepts.

Mathematics 500

Math 500 is a full-year elementary math course focusing on number skills, mathematical literacy, and geometric concepts. Students will gain solid experience with number theory and operations, including whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. In addition, students will develop their understanding of measurement and two- and threedimensional figures. This course also integrates mathematical practices throughout the units, as well as introducing students to algebraic, statistical, and probability concepts.

Mathematics 600

Math 600 is a full-year elementary math course focusing on number skills and numerical literacy, with an introduction to rational numbers and the skills needed for algebra. In it, students will gain solid experience with number theory and operations, including decimals and fractions. This course also integrates ratio relationships and proportional reasoning throughout the units, as well as introduces students to geometric and statistical concepts.

Mathematics 700

Mathematics 700 is designed to prepare junior-high students for Pre-algebra. This course focuses on strengthening needed skills in problem solving, number sense, and proportional reasoning. It also introduces students to integers, equations, and geometric concepts. Students will begin to see the "big picture" of mathematics and learn how numeric, algebraic, and geometric concepts are woven together to build a foundation for higher mathematical thinking.

Mathematics 800

Mathematics 800 is an introductory algebra course designed to prepare junior-high school students for Algebra I. The course focuses on strengthening needed skills in problem solving, integers, equations, and graphing. Students will begin to see the "big picture" of mathematics and learn how numeric, algebraic, and geometric concepts are woven together to build a foundation for higher mathematical thinking.

Science 300
Science primary

Science 300 is a basic elementary course intended to expose students to the designs and patterns in God’s physical universe. This course provides a broad survey of the major areas of science. Some of the areas covered in Science 300 include the human body, plants, animals, health and nutrition, matter, sound waves, earth science, and heat energy. The course seeks to develop the student’s ability to understand and participate in scientific inquiry. The units contain experiments and projects designed to build on children’s natural curiosity. The student will explore, observe, and manipulate everyday objects and materials in their environment. Collectively, this should help students develop a subject-matter knowledge base.

Science 400

Science 400 is a basic elementary course intended to expose students to the designs and patterns in God’s physical universe. This course builds on concepts taught in Science 300, providing a broad survey of the major areas of science. Some of the areas covered in Science 400 include the study of plants and animals, ecology, work and simple machines, electricity and magnetism, properties of water and matter, weather, solar system, and the different spheres of earth. The course seeks to develop the student’s ability to understand and participate in scientific inquiry. The units contain experiments and projects to capitalize on children’s natural curiosity. The student will explore, observe, and manipulate everyday objects and materials in their environment. Collectively, this should help students develop and build on their subject-matter knowledge base.

Science 500

Science 500 is a basic elementary course intended to expose students to the designs and patterns in God’s physical universe. This course expands on the Science 300 and Science 400 courses, providing a broad survey of the major areas of science. Some of the areas covered in Science 500 include the study of cells, plants and animals, ecology, energy, geology, properties of matter, and the natural cycles of life. The course seeks to develop the student’s ability to understand and participate in scientific inquiry. The units contain experiments and projects to capitalize on the students’ natural curiosity. The student will explore, observe, and manipulate everyday objects and materials in their environment. Students at this level should begin to understand interrelationships between organisms, recognize patterns in ecosystems, and become aware of the cellular dimensions of living systems. Collectively, this should help students develop and build on their subject-matter knowledge base.

Science 600

Science 600 is a basic intermediate course intended to expose students to the designs and patterns in God’s physical universe. This course expands on the Science 300-500 elementary courses, providing a broad survey of the major areas of science. Some of the areas covered in Science 600 include the study of plant and animal systems, plant and animal behavior, genetics, the structure of matter, light and sound, kinematics, planet Earth, the solar system, and astronomy. The course seeks to develop the student’s ability to understand and participate in scientific inquiry. The units contain experiments and projects to capitalize on children’s natural curiosity. The student will explore, observe, and manipulate everyday objects and materials in their environment. Students at this level should begin to understand interrelationships between organisms, recognize patterns in ecosystems, and become aware of the cellular dimensions of living systems. Collectively, this should help students develop and build on their subject-matter knowledge base.

Language Arts 300
Language Arts primary

Language Arts 300 focuses on the sequential development and integration of communication skills in four major areas—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It most specifically focuses on deepening and furthering students' understanding in the following ways:

• Reading–introduces students to basic reading skills, including the identification of main ideas, supporting details, sequence, and facts and opinions; shows students how to identify parts of speech in sentences; helps students develop basic literary comprehension skills through the reading of short stories, a short play, and haiku poetry.

• Writing–develops students’ understanding of sentence structure, providing hands-on experience with complete sentences and parts of speech; introduces students to roots and affixes, and basic word relationships, including homographs, synonyms, and antonyms; develops students’ vocabulary and spelling skills; gives students the opportunity to develop their abilities in writing paragraphs, haiku poetry, short stories, and friendly letters.

• Special Topics–introduces basic research skills, including the use of atlases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspaper and magazine articles, and textbooks.

Language Arts 400

Language Arts 400 focuses on the sequential development and integration of communication skills in four major areas—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It most specifically focuses on deepening and furthering students' understanding in the following ways:

• Reading–introduces students to basic reading skills, including the identification of main ideas, supporting details, sequence, and facts and opinions; shows students how to identify parts of speech in sentences; develops students capacity for identifying basic elements of narrative prose; introduces students to types of nonfiction, including biographies, autobiographies, and short essays; helps students develop basic literary comprehension skills through the reading of short stories, nonfiction pieces, and poetry.

• Writing–develops student’s understanding of sentence structure, providing hands-on experience with subject-verb agreement and parts of speech; emphasizes parts of speech and their roles, including adjectives, nouns, and verbs; familiarizes students with roots and affixes, and basic word relationships, including homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms; develops students’ vocabulary and spelling skills; gives students the opportunity to develop their abilities in writing paragraphs, four-line poetry, and short stories; guides students through planning, organizing, writing, and revising a report.

• Listening–teaches effective listening comprehension skills, weaving these throughout the lessons.

• Special Topics–teaches basic research skills, including dictionary, encyclopedia, and safe Internet usage.

Language Arts 500

Language Arts 500 continues to build on the sequential development and integration of communication skills in four major areas—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It most specifically focuses on deepening and furthering students' understanding in the following ways:

• Reading- develops students’ basic reading skills, including the identification of main ideas, supporting details, sequence, and facts and opinions; introduces more advanced reading skills, showing students how to make inferences and derive implied meanings; shows students how to identify parts of speech in sentences, with emphasis on nouns, adverbs, and verb tenses; develops students’ capacities for identifying basic elements of narrative prose; introduces students to types of nonfiction, including biographies, autobiographies, and short essays; helps students develop basic literary comprehension skills through the reading of excerpts from Beowulf, Call it Courage, and Gulliver’s Travels and of various short stories, nonfiction pieces, and poetry.

• Writing- develops students’ understanding of sentence structure, providing hands-on experience with subject-verb agreement and parts of speech; emphasizes parts of speech and their roles, including adjectives, nouns, and verbs; familiarizes students with roots, affixes, and basic word relationships, including homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms; develops students’ vocabulary and spelling skills; gives students the opportunity to develop their abilities in writing paragraphs, dialogue, poetry, and short stories; guides students through planning, organizing, writing, and revising a report.

Language Arts 600

Language Arts 600 continues to build on the sequential development and integration of communication skills in four major areas—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It most specifically focuses on deepening and furthering students' understanding in the following ways:

• Reading–develops students’ reading skills, including the identification of main ideas, supporting details, sequence, and facts and opinions; introduces more advanced reading skills, showing students how to analyze propaganda, make inferences, and determine the author’s authority; shows students how to identify parts of speech in sentences, with emphasis on kinds and uses of nouns, pronouns, and verb tenses; develops students’ capacities for identifying basic elements of narrative prose; enhances students’ abilities for reading newspaper articles and informative nonfiction; helps students develop basic literary comprehension skills through the reading of short stories, nonfiction pieces, and poetry.

• Writing–develops students’ understanding of sentence structure, providing hands-on experience with subject-verb agreement, participles, and phrases; emphasizes parts of speech and their roles, including adjectives, nouns, and verbs; familiarizes students with roots, affixes, and basic word relationships, including homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms; develops students’ vocabulary and spelling skills; gives students the opportunity to develop their abilities in writing paragraphs, business letters, poetry, and short stories; guides students through planning, organizing, writing, and revising a report.

• Special Topics–teaches dictionary skills and comprehension of graphic visual aids; introduces students to Biblical literature topics.

Health primary

Health Quest is a health science elective course for upper elementary and junior high students. The curriculum introduces students to the concepts of what good health is, why good health is important, and what students should do in order to achieve good health.

History & Geography 300
History primary

The third grade curriculum is an exploration of the history and geography of the United States. The intent of the course is to give the student an overview of the United States. The student will learn map terminology such as latitude, longitude, and compass rose. These and other geographical terms, along with an overview of the geography of the United States, will help the student discuss and understand the geography of the United States

History & Geography 400

History and Geography 400 continues the process of developing in students an understanding of and appreciation for God’s activity as seen in the record of man and his relationships. The course focuses on World Geography, describing the surface of the Earth and its natural features (biomes). It also teaches about cultural distinctives, placing special emphasis on North American geography and culture. Then, expanding on instruction, it presents a survey of Earth and space explorations. These areas of focus target three major content strands: Geography, History, and Social Studies Skills.

History & Geograpy 500

History and Geography 500 continues the process of developing in students an understanding of and appreciation for God’s activity as seen in the record of man and his relationships. It focuses on two major areas, American History and Geography. The course covers American History from early exploration through the Reconstruction, with special emphasis given to inventions and technology of the 19th and early 20th centuries, and geography of the Americas, with special emphasis on Mexico, Canada, and U.S. regional geography. These areas of focus target four major content strands: History, Geography, Government and Citizenship, and Social Studies Skills.

History & Geography 600

History and Geography 600 continues the process of developing in students an understanding of and appreciation for God’s activity as seen in the record of man and his relationships. The course focuses on World History, with an emphasis on Western Europe. Specifically, it covers World History from ancient civilizations through the end of the 20th century, highlighting early Christianity (through the Reformation) and the two World Wars. These areas of focus target three major content strands: History, Geography, and Social Studies Skills.

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